• NuDerma Portable Handheld High Frequency Skin Therapy Wand Machine w/Neon – Anti-Aging – Skin Tightening – Wrinkle…

    COMPLETE SKIN CARE SYSTEM – Adeonsine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) is the universal currency for energy in all cells of the human body. As we age ATP production slows which can lead to the outward signs of aging. Sagging skin, hair loss, age spots are other skin imperfections are the hallmark signs of decreased cell activity due to aging. The NuDerma Skin Wand amplifies cell turnover by supercharging ATP synthesis to slow, halt and ultimately reverse the aging process leading to firmer younger skin.
    ACNE TREATMENT – Our Spot Treatment tip is great for rapidly treating acne and acne scars. High Frequency treatment kills the bacteria directly beneath while simultaneously providing a natural boost of cellular energy to both kill acne causing bacteria and reduce inflammation at the same time.
    IMPROVED SKIN PROFILE – Our system specializes in different areas of skin therapy like acne treatment and wrinkle reduction but regular use provides a drastic overall improvement in skin profile.
